Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Spiritual Lessons Learned at the Orthodontist & Beyond...

Yesterday was a very trying day, but there were some lessons learned...

My youngest son Drake got Braces, an expander and these "mound-thinggys" put on his teeth so that he can't totally bite down...

Anyway - I was in there during most of the 2hr. appointment... They got to the point of putting the wires into the brackets.. They clipped the ends to make it fit, then they burned the ends of the wire... I wondered why they did that, but I did not want to ask, because I was taking pictures of the whole process and did not want them to think I was psyhco.. :) But, right after I thought: "I wonder why they do that", the orthodontist assistant asked me if anyone told me why they did that... I said no.. (Thank You Lord!) She proceeded to tell me that the wire has memory in it, and showed me that you can bend it any way you want, but it goes right back to the way it was.. But, when you put fire to it, it erases the memory and it is more pliable and will do what you want it to... WOW!

It made me think of the Refiner's fire and how the Lord takes us through things or allows things to come into our lives that are trying, but the trial or fire allows what needs to be dealt with to come up... It makes my heart softer, it makes me more pliable in His hands, and causes me to rely on Him and not myself..

1 Peter 1:6-7:
So be truly glad! There is wonderful joy ahead, even though it is necessary for you to endure many trials for a while. 7 These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.

(Malachi 3:2b-3:)
For he will be like a blazing fire that refines metal, or like a strong soap that bleaches clothes. 3 He will sit like a refiner of silver, burning away the dross. He will purify the Levites, refining them like gold and silver, so that they may once again offer acceptable sacrifices to the Lord.

Then we got home and it was a huge ordeal.. Drake could barely swallow his saliva much less eat or drink... (He is 8 years old so keep that in mind..)

Anyway - We were both in tears plenty of times yesterday and last night... I called everyone I could think of from Indiana to Texas.. And could not find anyone who had all three of these things at once in their mouth..

He was so angry and scared... It was so hard for me, because all I wanted to do was help, and he did not want to listen, he just wanted the stuff out of his mouth and wanted all this to stop! I tried to be helpful and love on him, and I even ended up yelling because he was so freaked out and would not let me help him... (I made everything I could think of for him to eat or drink..)

While we are in the midst of an uproar, I finally tell him that I can't help him until he is ready to listen.. I thought that this is how a parent must feel when their child is hurting and on drugs or alcohol and they are so angry but they don't know what to do with those feelings and they just take it out on the parents... (I have been that child..) Now I am on the other side of the anger, but I am thankful that it is only because of braces and other appliances.. But, I still could not do a thing for him until his strong will let down and he was ready to listen..

I know that I am like that with the Lord when something brings pain into my life.. My will rises up and I fight! I want it to STOP! And, all He is asking me to do is surrender, listen for His still small voice, and BE STILL!

Psalm 46:10a: Be still and know that I Am God;
Even in the hard places He is working out of me or something in me for the glory of His Kingdom..

Thank You Lord! I praise Your Holy name...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

YAY!! I am sooo EXCITED!

I am going to Texas in 6 Days!!! I get to see my baby, my mom and my friends!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Being Willing To Listen....

A warning given by an experienced person to someone willing to listen is more valuable than … jewelry made of the finest gold.” (Proverbs 25:12 TEV)

I guess I am at a new place of learning in my walk... It is so interesting that there are a couple of people that have taken offense to what I have posted on here or facebook... I think they think I am judging... When they KNOW where I came from, and what the Lord has done in my life... I am not judging... I guess the scripture above says it all "SOMEONE WILLING TO LISTEN"...

I asked the Lord if I was not walking in love and was I supposed to keep my mouth shut?... Then I went to my Bible and opened it up to a random page and it opened to Matthew 10..

21-23"When people realize it is the living God you are presenting and not some idol that makes them feel good, they are going to turn on you, even people in your own family. There is a great irony here: proclaiming so much love, experiencing so much hate! But don't quit. Don't cave in. It is all well worth it in the end. It is not success you are after in such times but survival. Be survivors! Before you've run out of options, the Son of Man will have arrived. (Matthew 10:21-23)

26-27"Don't be intimidated. Eventually everything is going to be out in the open, and everyone will know how things really are. So don't hesitate to go public now.
28"Don't be bluffed into silence by the threats of bullies. There's nothing they can do to your soul, your core being. Save your fear for God, who holds your entire life—body and soul—in his hands. (Matthew 10:26-28)

32-33"Stand up for me against world opinion and I'll stand up for you before my Father in heaven. If you turn tail and run, do you think I'll cover for you? (Matthew 32-33)

It would be SOOO MUCH easier NOT TO SAY A THING.. I don't want to be at odds with anyone.. I would love to be friends with everyone and never have one person mad at me.. But, I feel compelled...

(Jeremiah 20:9)
But if I say, "Forget it!
No more God-Messages from me!"
The words are fire in my belly,
a burning in my bones.
I'm worn out trying to hold it in.
I can't do it any longer

Galatians 1:10 For am I now trying to win the favor of people, or God? Or am I striving to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a slave of Christ.

The Lord saved and delivered me from SO MUCH... I did HORRIBLE VILE things, and HE still had mercy on me, when I deserved NOTHING... I tremble at the thought of the times I could have died, but somehow HE did not let that happen.. I would have died without Him.. For all eternity... That is what I think about when I post most things... Someone dying without Him for all eternity.. It is not because I don't want someone to be happy, or that I don't accept them... (I like my quite life, I don't need drama..) But, it is not about me, is it?

Ezek. 3:10-11 Then he said, "Son of man, get all these words that I'm giving you inside you. Listen to them obediently. Make them your own. And now go. Go to the exiles, your people, and speak. Tell them, 'This is the Message of God, the Master.' Speak your piece, whether they listen or not."

Ezek. 3:17-19Whenever you hear me say something, warn them for me. If I say to the wicked, 'You are going to die,' and you don't sound the alarm warning them that it's a matter of life or death, they will die and it will be your fault. I'll hold you responsible. But if you warn the wicked and they keep right on sinning anyway, they'll most certainly die for their sin, but you won't die. You'll have saved your life.

Ezek. 3: 20-21 "And if the righteous turn back from living righteously and take up with evil when I step in and put them in a hard place, they'll die. If you haven't warned them, they'll die because of their sins, and none of the right things they've done will count for anything—and I'll hold you responsible. But if you warn these righteous people not to sin and they listen to you, they'll live because they took the warning—and again, you'll have saved your life."

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Let The Church Be The Church by James Robison

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you;and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judeaand Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8)

People often ask questions when difficult circumstances overcome our world. With the crumbling economy, multiple wars and new direction in political leadership, Christians must understand the proper role of the church to impact our world.

Though Christians can and should be involved in the political process, the church was never meant to be a partisan power base. Our role transcends earthly structures. We are to lift up the light of the world, Jesus Christ, not the hatchet of the political party. When the church attempts to play the role of the government, it tends to corrupt one or both of the institutions. Even Israel failed as a theocracy. Modern theocratic regimes are actually controlled by mullahs and similar men who claim the divine mantle, but frequently abuse it for personal gain. Likewise, when the government attempts to supplant the role of the church, it becomes a perverse imitation of the real thing, mocking prosperity, peace and the principles of God.

For example, the Christian concept of charity involves a sacrificial giving in order to help meet the needs of someone else. But when the government forces you to take what you’ve earned and give it to the poor, it is vastly different. God loves a cheerful giver, not a cheerful taxer! Without a connection of love and concern between the giver and the recipient, the meaning of charity is lost. Instead, it is man’s counterfeit, which we call socialism. The church must demonstrate to the world how God’s principles work, so that they can witness the power of His ways.

Christians should seek to penetrate society, not polarize it. There will be a level of polarization when we stand up for what we believe those who were not “for” Jesus were “against” him and crucified Him for it but if you receive the love that Jesus offers, your life has the power to transform the world. Light penetrates darkness. When the church is a light, it dispels darkness. Changed people change the world, so we must first allow God’s light to drive the darkness out of our own lives before we can shine His love into the lives of those around us.

Our country will only change when the people change. Government does not legislate morality so much as it reflects the morality of the people. Right now, our government desperately needs change. So does the media, Wall Street, Hollywood and everywhere in between. But practices and policies will only change when people change. That is the role of the church.

I am not suggesting that Christians stay out of political matters, but understand that politics are meaningless without a transformation of the heart, mind and spirit. We can make every form of abortion illegal, but it won’t go away until every pregnant woman values the life of her child. Government focuses on people’s actions, but God focuses on people’s hearts. In the same way, the church should move beyond legislating people’s actions and strive to transform their hearts and inspire them to respect and value all life.

The model for the modern church is found in the book of Acts. When Jesus appeared after his death and resurrection, he appeared to His followers in Jerusalem. They asked, "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?"

Isn’t this typical of people in the church? After everything they had heard and seen, they wanted Jesus to set up an earthly kingdom. If Jesus lived in the flesh today, we’d probably want Him to run for president! But we could have a perfect president and as long as we still have rotten, rebellious people, we will have problems. Jesus’ purpose was and is beyond such earthly things. Instead, he told them to wait until the Holy Spirit empowered them so that they could be witnesses all over the world. They wanted to conquer Jerusalem with force, but Jesus wants to envelop the earth with love, joy and peace.

This is still His desire. Our world will never be perfect until He comes, but he can perfect His will in our individual lives, if we will allow it. So ask the Holy Spirit to empower you to care about others, reach out, be involved and pray…in essence, be the church.

This Week

Be the church. Set aside political battles and engage in spiritual warfare. Focus not on others, but on yourself. A light does not have to be forced to shine; simply allow yourself to be filled with God’s light, then release it.


“Father, fill me with your spirit so that I can be your witness on this earth.”

Friday, November 14, 2008


ACTS 21:13
12-13When we heard that, we and everyone there that day begged Paul not to be stubborn and persist in going to Jerusalem. But Paul wouldn't budge: "Why all this hysteria? Why do you insist on making a scene and making it even harder for me? You're looking at this backward. The issue in Jerusalem is not what they do to me, whether arrest or murder, but what the Master Jesus does through my obedience. Can't you see that?"

I have to admit, I do not think that I am there yet... I wonder if you asked God, if HE could make this the cry of your heart? I wonder if that is a prayer that He answers or if there is something that I need to do about it..?

I think that it is going to start being harder to be a Christian.. I am not freaking out, I just want to be ready and stand my ground, in love..

I was talking to the Lord yesterday about all this, because I was thinking about how people were going to some churches in New York and protesting... And how they actually went into a church and were shouting and spewing foul language from the pulpit at the people.. There will be another protest on Saturday.. I pray that the scales FALL FROM THEIR EYES, in Jesus' name, and a hedge of protection over the churches that they go to...

So, I was talking to Him about the possibility of going to prison one day for standing for what I believe... If that happened, I could not see my kids, or husband for who knows how long... It is a sobering thought.. I don't think WE are there yet, but it is a very real possibility... Am I ready? I don't know, but I pray that the Lord does a mighty work in my heart, so that if that is what it came to, I could count it all joy..

2 Corinthians 12:10 That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong...

I like the Message's translations of
Acts 5:41:

That convinced them. They called the apostles back in. After giving them a thorough whipping, they warned them not to speak in Jesus' name and sent them off. The apostles went out of the High Council overjoyed because they had been given the honor of being dishonored on account of the Name. Every day they were in the Temple and homes, teaching and preaching Christ Jesus, not letting up for a minute.

Have a blessed day!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Just FYI: I have another blog page that I just started.. It is

I find the neatest stuff on my treasure hunts... So, I hope you like it and ENJOY!

Thessalonians 4:9 (MSG)

Regarding life together and getting along with each other, you don’t need me to tell you what to do. You’re God-taught in these matters. Just love one another! 1

Rebuilding Racial Bridges in a Divided Church


Now that the historic 2008 election is over, we need to get busy with the work of reconciliation.

During the seemingly endless 2008 presidential campaign, scalding rhetoric spewed like hydrochloric acid from both sides. The harsh words from both Republicans and Democrats were often vicious. Hillary Clinton attacked Barack Obama. John McCain took shots at Clinton. Everybody and their grandmother went after George W. Bush.

After the party conventions the media declared open season on Sarah Palin while McCain accused Obama of being a celebrity without leadership skills. That prompted Paris Hilton to describe McCain as “that wrinkly, white-haired guy.” Obama, meanwhile, criticized rural voters for clinging to guns and religion. The mudslinging got nasty.

I’m still sore—and almost deaf—from the noisy political ruckus we witnessed this year. Sometimes the constant shouting matches between pundits on Fox News and CNN forced me to turn off the television—especially when Joy Behar of The View suggested that McCain might suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. I’ll admit that woman put me over the edge a few times.

"I am concerned that an ugly breach has occurred within the evangelical church. This divisive election took its toll on us."

Because I voiced my opinions during the campaign, some people got mad at me too. Some called me a racist because I raised questions about Obama’s views on moral issues. Others condemned me to hell because I applauded Palin’s faith.

Thankfully the contest is over. The national mood became more civil after the votes were counted. Obama became our 44th president and delivered a historic speech in Chicago that moved our nation to tears—especially civil rights leaders who never thought they’d live to see this day. McCain was humble in his concession speech and President Bush was a true Texas gentleman when he offered Obama and his wife a tour of the White House a few days later.

We can all be proud, not only that our country has put a person of color in the White House but also that the transition of power from one leader to another was this peaceful.

The verbal bombings have stopped, at least for now. All of us, in both red states and blue, have calmed down a bit and are looking for some common ground. More people are smiling on the evening news shows, partly because they are actually getting some sleep.

But I am concerned that an ugly breach has occurred within the evangelical church. This divisive election took its toll on us. Bridges that had been built between racial groups are in shambles. They collapsed under the strain of this election.

We are like good friends who stopped speaking to each other after a heated argument. Communication is strained. Grudges are festering. We don’t understand each other. We viewed this election through different lenses.

Many African-American Christians saw Barack Obama’s candidacy as a chance to right the racial wrongs of the past. They felt his victory on Nov. 4 was a direct fulfillment of the dream Martin Luther King Jr. proclaimed 45 years ago. And they believe that his commitment to help the poor is an embodiment of Christian principles of justice.

Many white evangelicals, on the other hand, couldn’t embrace Obama because of their commitment to a pro-life agenda. They feared that Obama would appoint pro-abortion justices to the Supreme Court and actively push for gay marriage. They also worried that Obama’s ties to a liberal Democratic agenda might invite terrorism or encourage socialist economic policies.

What do we do now? Do black Christians gloat while white conservatives lick their wounds? Do we just keep our distance? Do we keep Sunday morning segregated?

The Bible is clear that God does not encourage sulking or segregation. He calls those who are offended to go to their brothers and make things right. He expects us to work out our differences with sensitivity and mutual understanding. He has given us “the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Cor. 5:18, NASB).

He commands us in Matthew 5:23-24: "Therefore if you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering” (NASB).

Reconciliation is intentional. We don’t wait for the offended party to come to us—we go to them. Right now there are serious offenses on both sides of this political rift. The temptation is to justify our own positions. We say to ourselves, “I’m right; he’s wrong—this is his fault and I am waiting for him to apologize.”

But God is not concerned about who had the right political opinion. His burden is for our reconciliation. If we allow racial or political walls to divide us, then all of us are grieving the Holy Spirit.

I am begging black, white and Hispanic leaders today: Let’s come to the table. Let’s be more intentional than ever before about understanding each other, walking in each other’s shoes and enjoying true fellowship. Let’s resist the spirit of offense. This could be our greatest hour if we will link arms, wash feet, share our hearts, worship together and pray in unity.

J. Lee Grady is editor of Charisma.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Kid's Say The Funniest Things..

Last night Drake-ster and I were just hanging out together and talking... I mentioned to him that Fletcher (our male cat) was going to have surgery today... He asked me what for, and I said, "So he does not get a Mama cat pregnant..

His eyes got big and he said, "FLETCHER IS GETTING MARRIED?!?"...

Oh my gosh, he cracks me up!!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Do You Have Anyone Asking You The Tough Questions?

I have been struggling over the past few days...

After Obama won, my thoughts went to someone in my family that was so passionate that he win... Because they have a certain way that they want to live, and McCain/Palin were against it..

I e-mailed this person asking: "When you get everything you think you want from this: is it going to fill that empty place inside of you? Will it heal the hurts that really only you and the Lord know the truth about?"

I also asked: "What about everything that you learned about the Lord? What about the prayer of Salvation?" (That they prayed).... I said that I was not judging, and I am not... I live in a glass house too, and am not perfect... IT IS ONLY BY HIS BLOOD..
But, I don't think anyone has asked those questions to this person... Because, we don't want to offend anyone? WELL, OFFEND ME PLEASE! Ask me the tough questions... Speak the truth to me please, if you see me going down the wrong path! Don't coddle me and hold my hand all the way to Hell...
I wish I did have a mentor who asked me the tough questions.. Eye to eye, knee to knee, straight talk because they love the Lord and they love me... That is TRUE love... Reconciliation..

When I was going through my rebellion, living however I wanted to live because I was so hurt, and acted as if: "The world owes me!" I was just patted on the back and told: "It is ok.." It is? To live like that? And destroy my life and whoever was around me? I don't agree...

Healing is a process, (it has been a long process for me in some ways) and Jesus had compassion of everyone, but HE still spoke the Truth to them...

Are we coming to a place that we will get in trouble for speaking the Truth now...?

Proverbs 27:6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

I am adding more to this post b/c after I wrote this, I checked my email and found this daily devotional... It is good! Please feel free to answer the questions at the bottom! I would love to glean any wisdom that I can from you! Have a blessed day!
Who’s Advising You? by Rick Warren
Counsel in the heart of man is like water in a deep well, but a man of understanding draws it out. Proverbs 20:5 (AMP)
*** *** *** ***
We all need mentors – people who personally coach us in our walk with God.

When I am with a mentor, I ask questions. Asking questions adds to the quality of your life: “Counsel in the heart of man is like water in a deep well, but a man of understanding draws it out” (Proverbs 20:5 AMP).

Every person has a reservoir of knowledge, skills, and experience to share and you’re wise if you learn to draw them out.

In fact, you don’t have to limit asking questions to just a single mentor who you meet with on a regular basis. You can meet a “mentor” anywhere.

My suggestions is to keep a 3x5 card with you that has a list of standard questions you can ask whenever you meet someone you can learn from; you then pull out your card and ask questions like:

· How do you handle stress?

· What have been the greatest successes in your life?

· What do you think contributed to that success?

· What did you learn from the greatest failure of your life?

· What would you do differently if you could start over?

· What kind of books do you read?

· How do you manage your time?

· How do you manage your money?

· What have been the greatest lessons you’ve learned?

· What have been the greatest surprises in your life?


This is what the Lord says: Do what is just and right. Rescue from the hand of the oppressor the one who has been robbed. Do no wrong or violence to the alien, the fatherless or the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


10 Ways to Pray for Barack Obama
(Written by J. Lee Grady)

Whether you are happy about this week’s election results or not, all Christians must unite in prayer for our new president. Please don’t forsake this responsibility.

It’s over. We’ve reached the end of the longest, angriest and most nerve-wracking presidential campaign in American history. Finally the “I approved this message” ads have ceased. The endless robot phone calls have stopped ringing. The debates, and the annoying post-debate comments from “experts,” are history—until the next election cycle.

More than half the nation is celebrating today while others are mourning. We are a divided nation, split into unhappy fragments by abortion, gay marriage, global warming, a failed economy and an unpopular war. Those who voted for Barack Obama have claimed a historic victory; some on McCain’s side are already looking for scapegoats. Politics is politics.

But when I got up this morning, I turned all my attention to the fact that Jesus Christ is still on the throne. His government is what is most important. Regardless of who sits in the Oval Office, the Bible says “the nations are like a drop from a bucket” to God (Is. 40:15, NASB). That includes the United States. We may boast about being “the greatest nation on earth,” but He who sits in heaven has a different perspective. Let’s take a big sigh of relief now and remember that God is sovereign.

"But when I got up this morning, I turned all my attention to the fact that Jesus Christ is still on the throne. His government is what is most important."

I’ll admit this election did not turn out as I had hoped. I supported McCain primarily because I am pro-life and I prefer his small-government mindset. But now that the election is over, I’m not going to harbor bitterness toward Obama supporters or go into attack mode. Obama has been elected president of this country, and that means I have a biblical responsibility to support him in prayer—even if I challenge his policies.

Whether you voted for Obama or not, you need to pray for him. Here are 10 ways I plan to intercede for him regularly:

1. Pray for Obama’s protection. We already know that some weird, neo-Nazi fanatics in Tennessee plotted to kill Sen. Obama during his campaign. Let’s pray that racist hatred is not allowed to spread. Let’s cancel every assassin’s bullet in the name of Jesus. May civility triumph over bigotry.

2. Cover his wife and daughters in prayer. It is not easy to live under constant media scrutiny. Pray for Obama’s wife, Michelle, and their two daughters, Malia and Natasha, as they face invasive cameras, nosy reporters, maniacal fans and dangerous enemies. Obama is not only a politician but also a husband and a father.

3. Pray that Obama will govern with God’s wisdom. God rewarded Solomon because he asked for wisdom instead of wealth, long life or vengeance on his enemies (see 1 Kings 3:11-12). Pray that Obama will order his priorities like that. Despite Solomon’s tragic character flaws, his legacy was wisdom. We can ask God to give our president the same grace.

4. Ask God to keep our president humble. Many great American leaders became corrupt after they moved to Washington. The fatal attraction of fame, wealth and power proved irresistible. The only thing that will guard a man or woman from this pitfall is humility. May God deliver President Obama from the curse of pride.

5. Pray for wise and righteous advisers to surround him. Godly leaders cannot do their job alone. Even the best leaders have failed because they trusted the wrong people. Pray that Obama will not select his counselors based on party, race, pedigree or political cronyism but on godly character and proven wisdom. Pray also that he will not allow secret traitors into his inner circle.

6. Ask for the spirit of reconciliation. Some segments of our deeply divided society want nothing to do with Obama now that he has won the presidency. Even some Christians will be tempted to harbor resentment and nurse political grudges throughout his term in office. Pray that God will grant forgiveness and healing so that leaders on all political levels can have constructive dialogue.

7. Pray that Obama will adopt pro-life convictions. Many politicians have changed their views on key issues while in office. In the 1800s some leaders who favored slavery later denounced it. In the 1950s some who opposed racial integration later became champions of it. Even though Obama won approval from many voters because he sanctions abortion, God could soften and change his heart.

8. Bind all evil forces assigned to manipulate our president. The specter of Islamic terrorism looms over the United States, and dark forces are ready to infiltrate. Our only hope lies in prayer to the God who is able to expose and outwit the schemes of the wicked. This is truly a time for spiritual warfare, and intercessors must not come off the wall in this hour! Pray that no foreign government, terrorist organization or demonic principality will use Obama as a tool. We must stand strong against the spirit of antichrist that promotes dictatorship, persecution of Christians and hostility toward Israel.

9. Pray that Obama’s door will remain open to the church. The loudest voices of secular culture—from Bill Maher in Hollywood to atheists in academia—would be happy if religion were removed from public life. Pray that Obama, who claims to have a personal faith in Jesus Christ, will unapologetically welcome Christian leaders into his company and seek their counsel. And pray that false religious leaders (who claim to know Christ but deny His power) will not have his ear.

10. Pray that our nation will enjoy God’s peace and blessing during the Obama administration. The apostle Paul instructed early believers to pray for all in authority “so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity” (1 Tim. 2:2, NASB). God’s will is for America to experience peace and prosperity so that we can continue to export the gospel to the nations. This must happen whether a Democrat or a Republican is in the White House. As we cry out for God’s mercy on our wayward nation, pray that He will allow us to be a light to the world as we finance global missions, feed and heal the world’s poor and share Christ’s love at home and abroad.