Oh gosh where do I start..... So much has happened since the last "Testimony Tuesday"...
I have to give a little history here.. We moved to Indiana two years ago.
Before that we were members at an amazing non-denominational church in Houston, Texas... That is one of the things I have missed soooooooo much! I do not have ANYTHING against denominational churches, I used to go to one before we changed to the non-denominational one...
ANYWAY~ To make a long story short we ended up at two different denominational churches... The last one we went to for a year... I LOVED the people there... They were so welcoming!
However, my husband and I felt like it was time to move on, like it was a new season... It was hard on us and some others for us to leave, and I may have actually lost some friends, which is really sad, because I love them so much... But, we had to follow the Lord's lead...
I can't tell you how dry I have been for many, many, many months... I have been in a valley... But, I realize you learn a lot in the valley..
So, I started looking at churches.. And came across one that reminds me so much of the one in Houston... I found that they had a couple different prayer and worship services during the week!!!!!! And I was so excited! So, I ended up going to one of the prayer and worship services just to see, before we visited on Sunday...
When I pulled up on Friday, I prayed and asked the Lord for confirmation if I was suppose to be there.. Then I said "never mind" and thanked Him for letting me be there...
It was such a HUGE blessing to be with other believers that were passionate and on fire for the Lord! You could cut the peace in that place with a knife... That is how peaceful it was in there... You could not deny that the presence of the Lord was there..
Before I went in to pray with this group, I had called my mom in Texas, and she told me to call her when I was done and let her know how it was...
I called her afterwards to tell her about it, and in that two hour period of time, my mom had unexpectantly gone to the hospital for some test.. (she is fine.. PRAISE GOD!)
She said that she went in and was waiting for them to do the test and on the front page of the religious section of this small Texas towns paper, was the VERY name of the group I was meeting with THAT DAY!!!! We were amazed!!!
He gave me the confirmation in such an amazing way... Only He could do that!!
On a side note: We went to the service on Sunday, and it was amazing! The worship was alive, it was multi-cultural, and you could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit... There were people raising their hands, grown men on their knees before the Lord, it was just beautiful, and we were blessed to be a part of it...
I have been waiting for TWO years and it was worth it...
Bless You Lord!!!!!